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$$  $   2$ ',' 2 4' 2 $$  $   2$ '4' 2??,' 2  $$  $   2$ '4' 2,' 2  $$  $   2$ '4' 2??4' 2?? $$  $   2$ '4' 24' 2?? $$  $   2$ '4' 2??4' 2 $$  $   2$ '4' 24' 2 $$  $   2$ ',' 2 ,' 2  $$  $   2$ ',' 2 ,' 2  $$  $   2$ ',' 2 ,' 2  $$  $   2$ ',' 2 ,' 2  $$  $   2$ '4' 2?@?4' 2?@? $$  $   2$ '4' 2@4' 2?@? $$  $   2$ '4' 2?@?4' 2@ $$  $   2$ '4' 2@4' 2@T 6' & Stopped ,' 2 ',' 2 '>  . ' 2 '. 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This is so that the game engine can be maintained in one single frame, and still have the effect of playing in different levels. 64Changes the character depending on the global value.<The entire intro sequence of the stage. Flahes "READY" correctly when the flag is toggled. Sets Player's X position gets to the X position of teleporter object. Sets Player's Y position get's to the Y top position of the window frame._FThis group serves as all the animations of the character being played.a Death Particles Alterable Values List -------------------------------------------------- Alterable Value A: Pos X - X Position. Alterable Value B: Pos Y - Y Position. Alterable Value C: Move X - X Movement. Alterable Value D: Move Y - Y Movement.bwCreates explosion particles at player. Sets their position & velocity movement. Explosion particles move accordingly.cWhen the player's health is 0, or falls into a pit, it destroys the player. When all the lives are used up, it's a game over. The game will restart.kWhile spikes are active objects, it creates a backdrop floor behind it. This is so that the player can 'land' on the spikes during invincibility time, or other circumstances.l]When player hits the spike object, it sets the health bar to 0, instantly killing the player. Plays the landing sound when the player lands on the floor, or a backdrop object The landing sound only plays when Alt. Value A of foot detector is changed. This fixes an issue of the landing sound being played multiple times on wrong occasions.Basically acts like a fade in transition. While this method works during the game's events, and has interactivity features for the frame. Not like the standard fades used per frame where it works before hand, with no real interactivity. ^This group just cuts the game engine off, and transitions to opening up the pause menu screen.This is where all the events for the pause menu happens. When activated, should disable & pause all game engine material, including all animations.$General water areas. When the player hits the top of the water object moving down, the flag is turned on. When the player moves up from the water, the flag is turned off. Since the player can jump higher while in water, we change the gravity by altering a flag. This flag changes the gravity from normal, to low gravity. While this flag is on, the player makes a small air bubble, giving the effect that they are in the water. This group does a neat trick of shaking the screen when the values are changed. The higher the values are changed, the harder the shake is."Controls the X left/right shaking."Controls the Y Up/Down shaking.%-Changes the Y up/down offset from the screen.&0Changes the X left/right offset from the screen.':Flags are toggled to determine X and Y offsets of shaking.*WDestroy the shake object if both X and Y shake values of the screen object are at zero.+BShakes the screen accordingly. First, we create the shake object.(!This is where all the screen transitions take place. During screen transitions, we have to disable the neccessary groups so that the game doesn't scroll at anywhere else except from the transitions alterable value. We also have to make certain objects invisible during screen transitions.NThis more of an optional feature. This feature comes from the pausing before death from Mega Man 1 and Mega Man 9. In order for this pause to work, this group must be above all everything else. Otherwise there will be problems and/or errors. To change/remove the pause before death, set the Alterable Value 'Pause' of Player to 0. This event tells the starting position of the player, and saves the info in alterable values. When these alterable values are changed, the new positon is then loaded from these alterable values. This is used to determine the exact point of the player in both floats, and whole numbers.,This flag corrects an issue of the player standing on platforms outside the screen area. If this flag is turned on, Y falling collisions to backdrops should be disabled.4This group handles the Y down transition. The player is moving downwards, to the next room. So we have to make the screen transition move upwards accordingly.7This group handles the Y up transition. The player is moving upwards, to the next room. So we have to make the screen transition move downwards accordingly.3}This group handles screen transitions only. These events are NOT maintained by doors, just by the screen scroller bars alone.:This group handles screen transitions from entering doors. These events are maintained by the doors & screen scroller bars accordingly. In order for the doors to work properly, the doors must be aligned with the scroll bars properly.)This group handles the Y down transition. The player is moving downwards, to the next room. So we have to make the screen transition move upwards accordingly.0'This group handles all the teleporters.~All these do is redefine the order of the teleporter entrance glass. Whether the player is inside, or outside the teleporter, it brings the glass to the front, or tot he back.Teleporters use a special method called spread value. It spreads Alterable Value "ID" of the object. We run a fast loop to determine the number of active teleporters on the play field. During this fast loop, we connect active objects together. If the teleport objects have the same ID as the fast loop index, we can teleport the player to the correct path. There are three detector objects. Teleport Enter, Teleport Exit, and Teleport Camera. - The Teleport Enter object is where the player enters to teleport to the next area. - The Teleport Exit object is where the player ends up at the other side after entering the teleporter. - The Teleport Camera is where we need to center the play field display to the area as to where the player is teleporting to. If you want to make another teleporter, you do NOT need to clone more teleporter detector objects. All you need to do is drag one more of each of these three objects on to the play field. Place them where you want to place the entrance, exit teleporters accordingly. Place the teleport camera object where you want to set the cameras position as to where the player is going to.DThis handles all the animation data during the teleporting sequence.!;Spread Alterable Value " ID" of the teleporter objects oncevXIf all the ID's of the objects match, reposition the player, and the camera accordingly.9ESpread Alterable Value " Stage ID" of the level position objects once{This uses a special method called spread value. It spreads Alterable Value "Stage ID" of the object. We run a fast loop to determine the number of objects on the play field. During this fast loop, we connect the active object's ID to the current value of the global value that determines the stage. If the object has the same ID as the fast loop index, and the global value matches the same ID of the object, we can set the screen to the current level selected. If you want to add another starting position object, you do NOT need to clone more of these objects. All you need to do is drag one more of these on to the play field. Place them where you want to place the new stage starting position accordingly.}(Check the number of objects in the area.3Check the number of teleporter objects in the area.ZIf all the ID's of the objects match, reposition camera to the selected stage accordingly. ;Spread Alterable Value " ID" of the teleporter objects once@This uses a special method called spread value. It spreads Alterable Value "ID" of the object. We run a fast loop to determine the number of objects on the play field. During this fast loop, we connect the active object's ID to the current value of the global value that determines the stage. If the object has the same ID as the fast loop index, and the global value matches the same ID of the object, we can set the screen to the current level selected. If you want to add another starting position object, you do NOT need to clone more of these objects. All you need to do is drag one more of these on to the play field. Place them where you want to place the new stage starting position accordingly.d(Check the number of objects in the area.qIf all the ID's of the objects match, save current screen position of the player. This info will be loaded later.^If all the ID's of the objects match, reposition camera, & the player to the area accordingly.]Now that we have successfully repositioned the camera & the player, we can reset the values. NOTE: It is VERY important that you position the "Maze Reposition" object's location at the CENTER of the screens new field position. If both ID's match, the game will center display scrolling at X 0, Y 0 of the "Maze Reposition" object's position.NOTE: It is VERY important that you position the "Teleport Camera" object's location at the CENTER of the screens new field position. If both ID's match, the game will center display scrolling at X 0, Y 0 of the "Teleport Camera" object's position.aThis fixes an issue where the player ocasionally gets stuck in the backdrop by only a few pixels.This fast loop fixes an issue where the player gets heavily stuck in the backdrop by more than 1 pixel. It moves the player out of the walls by the number of times the fast loop is activated.This group decides which direction the player is facing. No matter if he is moving forwards or backwards, he only faces in the direction that you press.This is an optional feature for the engine. It basically deactivates the normal gravity groups, and activates the reverse gravity groups when this flag is activated. NOTE: You can only use up to 32 flags for Active Objetcs. Valid flags are 0-31.Since the active object is rotated at an angle on an axis, the player is now facing in the wrong direction. We have to switch the direction of the player to make it face in the right direction they are currently facing.Set the normal gravity falling speed of the player. This number will be used in the Jump/Gravity sections. This also gives you more freedom to change the gravity when you want by changing the alterable value labeled 'fall speed'.&Jump height, and gravity acceleration.nJump height, and gravity acceleration. Like the group above, except that conditions and numbers are reversed.Floats can not be called in fast loops. In other words, we can not call a fast loop 1.23 times. We can only call the fast loop 1 times (1 being the whole number). Since fast loops only works in whole numbers, we have to make separate conditions for the floats to take effect. We take away any whole numbers, & leave them for the fast loops. While the floats remain in tact. For Example: If velocity movement is 1.23, 1 is subtracted, while 0.23 is remained. The whole number that we just subtracted from will remain for the fast loop.Starts the fast loops depending on the velocity movement. Since fast loops can't call on floats, we have to make sepatate conditions for them.XActivates movement specifically for slippery floors. Otherwise, it uses normal movement.dPretty much just calls a fast loop movement when you press left or right when standing on the floor.Sets the velocity to a given amount when condtions are met. The actual movement doesn't take affect until the floats and fast loops are called. The ice floors group only activates when standing on the ice detector objects. You can also activate it if the whole stage uses ice platforms, if you don't want to keep using multiple ice floor detectors. You just need to deactivate the first movement group first.Instead of giving an exact velocity, the velocity is accelerated / decelerated depending on the movement. The actual movement doesn't take affect until the floats and fast loops are called.Floats can not be called in fast loops. In other words, we can not call a fast loop 1.23 times. We can only call the fast loop 1 times (1 being the whole number). Since fast loops only works in whole numbers, we have to make separate conditions for the floats to take effect. We take away any whole numbers, & leave them for the fast loops. While the floats remain in tact. For Example: If velocity movement is 1.23, 1 is subtracted, while 0.23 is remained. The whole number that we just subtracted from will remain for the fast loop.Starts the fast loops depending on the velocity movement. Since fast loops can't call on floats, we have to make sepatate conditions for them.CThese events make the player move up on floors with diagonal areas.When the fast loop is called, it moves the player up 1 time. So if the fast loop is called 10 times, the player moves up 10 times until they are not overlapping them.\During the loop index, we bring the players Y position to the # of times the loop is called.EThese events make the player move down on floors with diagonal areas.When the fast loop is called, it moves the player down 1 time. So if the fast loop is called 10 times, the player moves down 10 times until they are not overlapping them.\During the loop index, we bring the players Y position to the # of times the loop is called.This group servs as movement in fast loops that are not controlled by the players own velocity. Mainly used for things like conveyor belts, magnets, anti-gravity rooms, etc.PFast loops are called when the player is standing on the conveyor belt detectorsBasically just fixes an issue of the player being overlapped in the middle of a platform. This fast loop brings the player to the top of the platform.KSets the players y position by the number of times the fast loop is called.KSets the players x position by the number of times the fast loop is called.Moving Platforms Alterable Values List ------------------------------------------------- Alterable Value A: Pos X - X Position of platform. Alterable Value B: Pos Y - Y Position of platform. Alterable Value C: Move X - X Movement direction of platform. Alterable Value D: Move Y - Y Movement direction of platform. Alterable Value E: Vel X - Current X Velocity of platform. Alterable Value F: Vel Y - Current Y Velocity of platform.Tells which direction to move the platforms in. Sets the movement of the platform to the current value of Vel X and Vel Y. Reverses the movement when it hits the arrow pointing in opposite direction.Much like how the player is controlled for floating point movement. Starting X & Y positions are saved in alterable values. Then new positions are loaded from alterable values.Move the platforms accordingly..Load new X & Y position from alterable values.Stop moving of platforms.@Moves the player along with the platforms when standing on them.D-=[ Foot ]=- Alterable Values List --------------------------- Alterable Value A: Landing Detector - Used to fix, and generate the landing sound when the player hits the floor. Alterable Value B: Health Generator - How much energy you get back from health power ups. Alterable Value C: Weapon Generator - How much energy you get back from weapon power ups. Alterable Value D: Powerup Time - Time spent to powerup recovery. Alterable Value E: Pause - Mostly interaction purposes from players Alterable Value H (Pause Time). Alterable Value F: Teleport: - Refers back to the Teleport Time of the player. When the player is invisible, this value will be added. When it reaches the current value of players Teleport Time, it is reset. Internal Flags List ---------------------- Flag 0: Indicates whether the foot detector is in, or out of the play field screen. This corrects an issue of the player standing on platforms outside the screen. If this flag is turned on, Y falling collisions to backdrops should be disabled. Flag 10: Activates health recovery time. Flag 30: Activates pause time before the death sequence.-=[ Player ]=- Alterable Values List --------------------------- Alterable Value A: Pos X - X Position of Player. Alterable Value B: Pos Y - Y Position of Player. Alterable Value C: Vel X - X Velocity of Player. Alterable Value D: Vel Y - Y Velocity of Player. Alterable Value E: Fall Speed - Gravity pull of Player. Alterable Value F: Pause Time - This is the pause time before the death sequence. How long you want the game to pause before the death animation occurs. Alterable Value G: Slope - Controls how many tiles to move the player up a diagonal surface, or a slope. If this value is set too high, he'll be able to walk up a wall. Leaving this to 5 should be reasonable enough. Alterable Value H: Teleport Time - Refers to the player using active teleporters. How long the wait time is until the player moves over to the exit teleporter. During the exit teleporter sequence, the wait time of this value is cut in half by 2. Alterable Value I: Destination ID - When in teleporters, If all the teleporter objects ID match, this value is set to the current ID of the exit teleporter. Internal Flags List ---------------------- Flag 0: Determines whether the player is in water. Flag 1: Turns players gravity low. Used for water areas, and outer space areas. Flag 30: Determines whether the gravity of player is normal, or reversed.This event gives a 'continue point' effect. If the player reaches to a point of a certain screen, the global value will be changed. If the player dies, or you restart the stage, it will start at this new position.?If the player gets pushed back from a wall, they get destroyed.5wThis group controls any screen scrolling. Whether it's scrolling at the player, auto scrolling, or no scrolling at all.8 Activates auto scrolling featureAThis is an auto scrolling feature. The camera slowly scrolls forward until it hits the end of the stage, or until the next screen tansition.BtIf the auto scroll object's flag is off, it scrolls right. If the auto scroll object's flag is on, it scrolls left.C;How long to wait until the camera starts scrolling forward.E$Start moving the object accordingly.F5Center camera's X position at the auto scroll object.HThis is a neat trick of auto scrolling areas where the player stays within the screen area. The player gets pushed forward along the screen if they are at the edge of the screen during auto scrolling.KRIf the player gets pushed back from a wall during auto scroll, they get destroyed.L%Stops the auto scrolling when needed.MThis is a new scrolling technique in which the screen scrolls with the player according to the distance between each frame. It's a litle more technical than the standard always centering X at the player. Depending how the player moves, it will attempt to center at player. Even if the player is positioned more forward, not exactly at the center of the screen, the screen will still move with the player's position. To make sure we get the center of the screen correct, a bit of math is involved. Add X Left Frame, and X Right Frame together. Then devide this number by 2. This should give you the center of the frame. When the neccessary conditions are met, set the alterable value one time. Then we use this new value to center X from Player.NWhen you want to stop the screen from scrolling at the player, use no scrolling objects. If any of the no scrolling objects are overlapping the screen, we deactivate the group that controlls the scrolling.}We must place the room section object at the center of the screen object once, making sure it won't cause errors in movement.3Controls the X position of the room section object.3Controls the Y position of the room section object. NThis group gives the effect of rooms, ala 'fake' grid movement based on values given of the screen. It should center on this room section object when the screen object's coordinates are off by the given number. If the positions of the two objects are different, the room section gets moved toward the screen by the number number of times given. This should also help you set up for endless stages, in case you need to count a number of rooms entered. This also fixes an issue with the maze loop function being triggered. It should only work if the playfield screen enters the next room.This group handles the X right transition. The player is moving right, toward to the next room. So we have to make the screen transition to the left accordingly.This group handles the X left transition. The player is moving left, toward to the next room. So we have to make the screen transition to the right accordingly.This group handles the door X right transition. The player is moving right, toward to the next room. So we have to make the screen transition to the left accordingly.This group handles the door X left transition. The player is moving left, toward to the next room. So we have to make the screen transition to the right accordingly.This group handles the Y up transition. The player is moving upwards, to the next room. So we have to make the screen transition move downwards accordingly.Groups List -------------- Group.Player - Indicates as players regular animations. Group.Good: - Used to indicate as moving platforms. Group.Friends: - Used for sparks, effects, and friendly characters. Group.Bullets - Indicates as the bullets fired by the player. Group.Arms - Indicates as the shooting animation frames of the player. Group.Collectables: - Use this group for all the collectable items in the game. Group.Doors: - Used to indicate as boss doors. These usually can be entered once, then shut locked behind the player. Group.0: - Used for active platforms you can jump up on to. Mainly used for things like top of ladders, and small platforms. Group.1: - Works exactly like collision with backdrops, but serve as active objects. Group.24: - Mainly used to apply that there is animation to objects for interactivity purposes. These animations will stop/start when necessary. * For example, objects with this group will pause when the pause menu is active, or pause during the players death pause sequence. Group.93: - Indicates as X left / right screen transition objects. Automatically sets 'Start' & 'End' alterable values to ((X Right Frame-X Left Frame)/2) Group.94: - Indicates as Y up / down screen transition objects. Automatically sets 'Start' & 'End' alterable values to ((Y Bottom Frame-Y Top Frame)/2) Group.95: - Indicates as doors X left / right screen transition objects. Automatically sets 'Start' & 'End' alterable values to ((X Right Frame-X Left Frame)/2) Group.96: - Indicates as doors Y up / down screen transition objects. Automatically sets 'Start' & 'End' alterable values to ((Y Bottom Frame-Y Top Frame)/2) Group.97 - Used for water objects. With this group, you can have differnt water graphics. Group.98: - Used for ladder objects. With this group, you can have different ladder graphics. Group 99: - Used for spike objects. These are the 1 hit instant kill objects. With this group, you can have different spike graphics.Having many active objects in a frame slows down the FPS rate. So we have to make objects inactive to help with this problem. However, this causes the animations of the objects to de-sync. So we have to use a process to resync the animations back. If you want to add more objects synced together when active, follow this process below. Make sure the objects are inactive before doing so.This just basically creates the ladder sprite as a backdrop object. Then we make the REAL ladder detector object invisible. The invisible ladder object from the ladder is what the player can touch before he can actually grab on to the ladder.. Screen Transitions Alterable Values List ------------------------------------------------- Alterable Value A: Screen Scroll - Used to scroll the screen accordingly. Alterable Value B: Scroll Speed - How slow or fast you want the screen transition to the next room. Alterable Value C: Start - Starting point of the transition. Alterable Value D: End - Ending point of the transition. Alterable Value E: Player Distance - How far forward the player can travel past the screen scroller object. Alterable Value F: Pause Start - How long the waiting time is before the screen transitions to the next room. Alterable Value G: Pause - Pause break before the screen transtions. Alterable Value H: Pause End - How long the waiting time is after the screen transitions from the previous room. Internal Flags List ---------------------- [ Screen Scroll X ] Flag 0: X Right - Scroll the screen to the left from the right. Flag 1: X Left - Scroll the screen to the right from the left. Flag 2: X Right - Checks if the player is overlapping one of the current screen transition bars. This avoids any bugs/errors caught by the screen overlapping two screen transition bars at the same time. Flag 3: X Left - Checks if the player is overlapping one of the current screen transition bars. This avoids any bugs/errors caught by the screen overlapping two screen transition bars at the same time. Flag 10: Pauses the screen at the end of the screen transition. [ Screen Scroll Y ] Flag 0: Y Down - Scroll the screen downwards. Flag 1: Y Up - Scroll the screen upwards. Flag 2: Y Down - Checks if the player is overlapping one of the current screen transition bars. This avoids any bugs/errors caught by the screen overlapping two screen transition bars at the same time. Flag 3: Y Up - Checks if the player is overlapping one of the current screen transition bars. This avoids any bugs/errors caught by the screen overlapping two screen transition bars at the same time. Flag 10: Pauses the screen at the end of the screen transition.2$To achieve an anti-gravity room affect while right-side up, this is what we need to do. You would first need to reverse the gravity accordingly to however you want to set it to. When you do this, the players Y velocity will keep adjusting more according to the gravity pull specified, making the player fall upwards. So we need to stop the players Y velocity from increasing/decreasing, so that we can maintain a steady rise up effect. If you prefer to use the fall upwards with gravity in effect while right-side up, remove this one condition.Loads new X & Y position from the alterable values of the player when changed. Determines the player's X & Y distance from the frame.2Binds detectors & character objects to the player.3Enemy layer order. Binding enemy objects together.10Changes sprite overlay order of certain objects.;LThese control the flow of the players current gravity. Although mainly for debugging purposes, the values you change may reset back to the default gravity values for that stage. ' [ ' and ' ] ' keys control 0.1 of the gravity. ' ; ' and ' ' ' keys control 0.01 of the gravity. ' , ' and ' . ' keys control 0.001 of the gravity.=Mainly just debug information. - Displays current X & Y position, and curent velocity of the player. - Displays the current distance of the player from the screen's center position. - Displays information of the current X left/right frames, and current Y top/bottom frames.>This option displays all the detector objects, or turns them invisible. Shows the detector objects that make the player, or the game do different things based on collisions and overlapping objects.RDGlobal Values List ----------------------- Global Value A: The character that the player is controlling. Global Value B: Activates collected items value when picked up by the player. Destroys already collected items when a level is restarted. Maintained by objects that use the qualifier "Group.Collectables". Global Value C: Global Value D: Global Value E: Global Value F: Global Value G: Global Value H: Global Value I: Global Value J: Global Value K: Global Value L: Global Value M: Global Value N Global Value O: Global Value P: Global Value Q: Global Value R: Global Value S: Global Value T: Global Value U: Global Value V: Global Value W: Global Value X: Number of E-Tanks available. Global Value Y: Number of M-Tanks available. Global Value Z: Starting position of the stage.This event is a bit more technical, rather than just adding a certain number to a health bar. When you pick up a health power up, it sets the alterable value to a given amount of how much health to refill. During this flag, We have to freeze ALL animations, & ALL movement while the player's health is refilling. When the alterable value has reached 0, we resume all animations & movement, and turn the flag off.?Mostly self explanatory. If any of these items are collected, add a number of stocks. Any items in the collectable group are destroyed when the player hits them.DCollect an object to destroy it. Also sets a Global Value (named to the spread value stored in the Alterable Value A of that object)UESpread Alterable Value A, labeled " ID" of all the collectables once.VIFast Loop (to prevent delay when objects are being checked and destroyed)W#Reset all collected items on stage.XWhen we picked up an object to destroy it, we set a Global Value (to 1) with the name of that object's spread value stored in Alterable Value A. Here we check the Global Value (with the loop index value of "items") is 1... and make sure we're discussing an object that has an Alterable Value A (that spread value we set earlier) that is also the value of the loop index "items". If these things match up, we destroy that object.-Alterable Values List -------------------------- Global Value A: Fade - The current transparency setting for the fade-in/fade-out transition. Flags List ------------- Flag 0: When this flag is off, screeen fades in from black. When this flag is on, darkens the screen. Flag 1: Determines whether the player has any lives left. If this flag is off, the level will restart. If this flag is on, the game will end, and go to the game over screen.6Change sprite overlay over platform & stage obstacles.#<Other unrelated events based on area/stage specific objects.EvObPlayerSpriteFootSprite Group.PlayerSprite Group.1SpriteActive PlatformSprite Group.0SpriteVelocity & PositionTextFrameTextIceSpriteBelt Right SmallSprite  Belt LeftSprite RockSpritePlatform Flag UpSprite  Platform Flag Diagonal Down-LeftSprite Platform Flag Diagonal Up-LeftSprite!Platform Flag Diagonal Down-RightSpritePlatform Flag Diagonal Up-RightSpritePlatform Flag DownSpritePlatform Flag RightSpritePlatform Flag LeftSpriteMoving PlatformSpriteMoving Platform 2SpriteMoving Platform 3Sprite Group.GoodSpriteMega ManSpriteMega Man HelmetlessSpriteFPSCounterFPS #CounterScreen Scroll X Left/RightSprite Screen Scroll Y Up/DownSprite! Teleport DetectorSprite"!ReadySprite#"ScreenSprite$FadeSprite&$Health Bar (Counter)Counter'%SpikeSprite(&Group.99Spritec'Explode ParticlesSprite)(Player CounterCounter*) Spike LightSprite/,Level PositionSprite2# Big HealthSprite%-Group.CollectablesSprite . Small HealthSprite3/E-CanSprite401-UpSprite61 Big EnergySprite72 Small EnergySprite83 Screen DistText94No Scroll LineSprite<5No Scroll ScreenSprite=6 Room SectionSprite>8WaterSprite@9 Water SplashSpriteF: Water BubblesSpriteG;Pause Menu ScreenSpriteH< Menu - PlayerSpriteI=Menu - Health BarCounterJ> Menu - LivesCounterK? Menu - E-CanSpriteL@ Menu - M-CanSpriteMA Menu - E-CansCounterNB Menu - M-CansCounterOC Menu - BusterCounterPDM-CanSpriteQE Spike WaterSpriteUFLadderSpriteVGGroup.98SpritebHGroup.97SpriteaIWater Top LineSpriteWJ Group.FriendsSpriteKUp ArrowSpriteRL Down ArrowSpriteSMGroup.24SpriteP Shake ObjectSprite_Q Auto Scroll XSprite`RDoors XSpritecS Group.DoorsSprite TDoors YSpritedW Big Fish BossSpriterXBig Fish Boss MouthSpritetYBig Fish Boss PlatformSpriteuU Fish BossSpritemZFish Boss HeadSpriten\Fish Boss PlatformSpriteo]Fish Boss BackdropSpritexVFish Boss HeartSprite{ Fish Boss BodySprite[FishSpritev^ Fish HeadSpritew_Big Fish Boss LightSpritez`Boss Door Close XSprite|aBoss Door Close YSprite~NHeartSpriteTbGroup.95Sprite_cGroup.96Sprite`dGroup.93Sprite]eGroup.94Sprite^fTeleporter BG ActiveSpritegTeleporter Top ActiveSpritehTeleport EnterSpritei Teleport ExitSpritejTeleport CameraSpritekScreen Scroll X RightSpritemScreen Scroll X LeftSpritelLow Gravity Area DetectorSpritenScreen Scroll Y DownSprite?oScreen Scroll Y UpSpritepNormal Gravity Area DetectorSprite* Maze EnterSprite1+Maze RepositionSpriteZOFish Boss ScreenSprite7 Quick SandSpriteqBoss Door Open XSpriterFrogSpritesFrog (Mouth Front)Spritet Boss Door YSpritewMega Man ShootSpritewx Group.ArmsSpriteyMega Man Helmetless ShootSpritexzBulletSprite{ Group.BulletsSpriteuLadder Top PositionSpritev Ladder TopSprite| Ladder BottomSprite}NinjiSprite~ Ninji ShootSpriteFish Boss Body FrontSpriteEvEdP"654Q,!mkdnoeRbTcq`atS  }wy~xz{0/D#.12-'J  %)E&Fv|uG8HI9:KLMW_XYUZ\] OV[^rsgfhijlp*+7N3$(;<=>?A@BCEvTseh EvLs..EvCs,!DNE! #&'2 Game Overp{׻kϻ[ǻwwwcccSSSCCC333oSKC;{3k+Ww#G_7K'3 kWCw;k3_+S#C7g+K 3ssccSSGG;;33s++_##K7#ۧϏ{gWG7{+osccW WGK;;//ssKK##kS;#ۻÓoG#gc[WO;/s_K ;CϳÛscSwGg7W+K#ߧϏwwggSWCG3;w'/g#[K ; +ӃkgSK73# o_SC7'{cK7'o _##'#'#'#'##skkSS??ۧןϓLJsgߏ[ӃSsKgCW;K3?+{3#o+_OC3 '{k_OC3' w???? Backdrop3Counter Movement #1` Fade4 Fade Movement #122R Stage Select4 Movement #1 224Active22Continue4 Movement #1 227Active226 Game Over4 Movement #122yTitle4 Movement #1 225Active228FPS& Movement #16eɚ;` FPS #@ Movement #16eɚ;`  ppppppppp XXXhXx`hpEvts>f ~n&Game Overz , 1 XJgameoverX    ' ' $  " f ~n&Fadeh p|l%"Arialh |l%"Arial  9   .  2  B  $  .  2 $' ,  2 9  .  2  B  $  .  2 $' ,! 2 9  f  ~n&Select Options $ R XJ#mm-selectXJmm-select"Q  $ Q XJ#mm-selectXJmm-select"R   XJmm-teleport-out"# f $  .  2 $  f $  .  2 $  n $  .  2 $   f ~n&Optionsn $   4& Activen $   4& Activen $   4& Active  Rems Alterable Values List -------------------------- Global Value A: Fade - The current transparency setting for the fade-in/fade-out transition. Flags List ------------- Flag 0: When this flag is off, screeen fades in from black. When this flag is on, darkens the screen.Basically acts like a fade in transition. While this method works during the game's events, and has interactivity features for the frame. Not like the standard fades used per frame where it works before hand, with no real interactivity. EvObCounterCounterFadeSprite Stage SelectSpriteContinueSprite Game OverSpriteTitleSpriteFPSCounterFPS #CounterEvEdEvTsEvLsEvCs,!DNE!#&'2Rotating Platform Engine BETAp{׻kϻ[ǻwwwcccSSSCCC333oSKC;{3k+Ww#G_7K'3 kWCw;k3_+S#C7g+K 3ssccSSGG;;33s++_##K7#ۧϏ{gWG7{+osccW WGK;;//ssKK##kS;#ۻÓoG#gc[WO;/s_K ;CϳÛscSwGg7W+K#ߧϏwwggSWCG3;w'/g#[K ; +ӃkgSK73# o_SC7'{cK7'o _##'#'#'#'##skkSS??ۧןϓLJsgߏ[ӃSsKgCW;K3?+{3#o+_OC3 '{k_OC3' w???? Background%Rotating Platform Center4Pos XPos Y Movement #122?Rotating Platform74Pos XPos YMovementRadiusFVelocity Movement #122@Foot4Landing DetectorHealth GeneratorWeapon Generator Powerup TimePauseTeleport Movement #122Player4 Pos XPos YVel XVel Y Fall Speed Pause TimeSlope Teleport TimeDestination ID Movement #122Screen14Pos XPos YShake XShake Y Movement #122RNo Scroll Lined4 Movement #122pppppppppp pEvtsh |l%"ArialBoldh |l%"Arialf ~n&Rotating Platform1h b|l%"Arial  , 2 , 2 D     .  2 , 2 |   .  2 ,  2 f   .  2  2$    , 2 , 2 `    .  2   .  2 `R    `R    .  2 f   > 2&  > 2&    6 &     6 &   V    @ 2(  @ 2(  `   0   F- right" `   0   F- left"  f ~n&Scroll at Player8               6(       $          $       6(       $          $       6(   RemsRotating Platforms Alterable Values List ------------------------------------------------- Alterable Value A: Pos X - X Position of platform. Alterable Value B: Pos Y - Y Position of platform. Alterable Value C: Moving - Movement direction of platform. Alterable Value D: Radius - How wide the platform moves around the center of an object's orbit. Alterable Value E: Velocity - How fast to spin the platform around.There are a few errors with the rotating platform engine that seems to cause some bugs in the game. I have to disable them & remove them from the game engine for the time being. I'm not sure if I even want to keep these in here.Rotating Platform EngineEvObRotating Platform CenterSpriteRotating PlatformSpriteGroup.0Sprite Group.FriendsSpriteFootSpritePlayerSpriteScreenSprite No Scroll LineSpriteEvEd EvTsEvLsEvCs,!DNE!#&'208 ACHK B<=@DHT